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    New Year Opening | Building Dreams 2021, Pursuing Dreams 2022
    date:2023/4/13 10:33:15 browse:1349次

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    As the calendar of 2021 rolls over, in the midst of intense and orderly work, Keyi has passed its fifteenth year since its establishment. A whole year of perseverance and hard work has emerged in front of us, standing at the junction of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new. Looking back on the past year, the sweat we have put in shines brightly, the services we have provided have been recognized, and the business we have collaborated with has expanded. These achievements are the driving force behind Keyi's move towards 2022.
    Let's focus on 2021 and see how the resilient and resilient people of Koyi, amidst the waves of time, are playing the melody of progress in an era where opportunities and challenges coexist
    Actively carry out market cooperation in 2021
    At the beginning of 2021, Keyi has successively received good news of cooperation with multiple real estate developers such as Longhu and Vanke, providing multiple high-quality overall bathrooms for projects such as Yanlan Coast, Zijin Shangcheng, Guanyu, and Quanxue Li. In addition, together with Jinmao Building Technology, it has incubated a residential space that meets the personality and enjoyment above Pragmatism.

    From land to water, Keyi's presence is everywhere. In 2021, Keyi successfully collaborated with the mobile seven star hotel Yangtze River 3, bringing Keyi's excellent customized integrated bathroom to cruise ship rooms. With its excellent technical strength and service quality, Keyi has been awarded the honorary titles of "A-level supplier" by Vanke and "excellent supplier" by Hejing Futai Group, winning praise from customers.

    2021, Assist in Industry Upgrading
    With the continuous introduction of various policy support in China, the industrial interior decoration industry has been moving forward with great success. Keyi focuses on the resources of good industrial chains, actively participates in the construction of the Zhangjiagang Construction Industrialization Industry Cooperation Base in Jiangsu, builds a collaborative and win-win industrial ecosystem, and contributes to the rapid development of Jiangsu's construction industrialization.

    In 2021, Keyi actively participated in the industry event and attended the Asian Interior Industrialization Forum at the beginning of the year, bringing Keyi's excellent technology and products to the public and letting them understand different new bathroom construction methods. In order to strengthen exchanges and mutual assistance among the same industry, Keyi and its full package industrial products appeared at the China Hainan International Free Trade Port Construction Expo, promoting the development of Prefabricated building industry in Hainan; After saying goodbye to Hainan and meeting with Guangdong, Keyi was invited to participate in the 10th Guangdong New Building Industrialization and Prefabricated building Exhibition, bringing a high-level bathroom industry exhibition to the visitors.

    2021, Intensive Service and Vigorous Innovation
    At the beginning of the year, Keyi conducted in-depth on-site visits to loyal "iron powder" customers who had been cooperating with Xi'an for over a decade. After years of experience, the products remained old and new, bringing warmth to countless users.

    Past achievements are the solid foundation of Keyi, and R&D innovation is the unchanging foundation of Keyi. The R&D team of Keyi has been recruiting talents for many years, continuously developing and growing. Currently, it has nearly 50 professional designers, 80 R&D personnel, and nearly 100 technical personnel. They have put together their ideas and efforts to develop a variety of functional products such as cabinets, bathroom cabinets, and integrated bathrooms. Through the entire product lifecycle, they have integrated design, production, provision, installation, and service into a unique "prefabricated" service of Keyi.

    In 2021, participating in the competition, a hundred flowers bloom
    In 2021, Keyi successively participated in the compilation of "Overall Bathroom Standards", "2021 White Paper on the Development of Prefabricated Bathrooms", and "Technical Standards for Prefabricated Interior Decoration", providing strategic layout and construction technology references for overall bathroom enterprises, applications, and investors, and establishing a macro perspective in the overall bathroom industry.

    In order to help cultivate talents in the industry, Keyi actively sponsored a number of colleges and universities to participate in the 2021 China International Solar Decathlon Competition, and worked with the Solar Ark 3.0 team of Southeast University to complete the design, construction, operation and display of the competition house "Sunshine Ark 3.0", giving full play to their respective advantages and organically integrating industry, education and research.

    2021, both online and offline
    In 2021, the flagship store of Keyi Tmall was officially launched with full sincerity, which is an important step for Keyi towards the C-end, completing the transformation from industrial production to retail marketing. In the future, Keyi will bring more convenient services to the public online.

    In order to better promote the overall bathroom to every family, Keyi not only opens an online platform, but also deepens its foundation offline. With Hubei Guangshui as the production base, it has established a new brand of Youzhu, and collaborates with partners from all over the country to adhere to creating a stable quality, scientifically designed, and long-lasting overall bathroom. The aim is to gradually replace traditional bathroom with economical overall bathroom and change the bathing life of thousands of households.

    In 2021, shoulder heavy responsibilities and prioritize the country
    When the extremely heavy rainstorm struck Henan, Keyi gathered people and vehicles full of goods and materials in the shortest time and rushed to Liangxiang Village, Qi County, Hebi City, the hardest hit area, bringing food and medicine to the victims in urgent need. Keyi, regardless of gains and losses and difficulties, took practical actions to assume social responsibility and demonstrate the corporate righteousness.

    At the end of the year, the epidemic has once again hit, and the epidemic prevention and control work is facing a severe situation. Once again, Keyi is facing a critical moment and is facing the tide. With the belief that "epidemic prevention and control are greater than the sky," it is carrying high-quality integrated bathrooms to Shangyu. In a short time, it rushed to the scene and worked together with the people of Shangyu to win the epidemic prevention and control sniper battle as quickly as possible.

    During the tense preparations for the Winter Olympics, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the Winter Olympics, Keyi carried the wind and braved the snow, bringing a warm and warm overall bathroom to the Winter Olympics volunteer dormitory in the harsh cold, filling the icy snow field with warm love.

    Opening the scroll of 2021, every stroke and every painting depicts the craftsmanship, meticulously crafted patience, tenacious perseverance, and unchanging original intention of Keyi people. With the joint efforts of all Keyi people, we have come to a successful conclusion for 2021.
    Looking forward to 2022, we are full of confidence in victory and the strength to strive forward. With the rapid development of the assembly type interior decoration industry and the continuous deepening of industry innovation, Keyi believes that this is an opportunity given by the times. In 2022, we will unite and set out with full passion to ensure high quality, demand high standards, research and development high standards, and uphold the core value of "doing one thing well in a lifetime", Create unlimited possibilities for the future public living environment!

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    Wuhu Keyi Residential Equipment Co., Ltd. (Headquarters)
    No. 5288, Dongwan Road, Xinwu Economic Development Zone, Wuhu City, Anhui Province

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